1 Healthy living

This article focuses on the importance of healthy habits for wellbeing. The article provides useful tips and information regarding physical wellbeing, diet, responsible alcohol use, exercise and sleep.

‘Maintaining a healthy diet while at University can be challenging due to busy schedules. However with some planning and mindful choices, you can prioritize your health and well-being’

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2 Studying remotely in times of social distancing

The article provides practical assistance with studying during and after the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown. It covers mental health and well-being considerations as well as guidance in navigating university systems, services and people you can liaise with. We also offer guidance on prioritising your work, taking into account a healthy work-life balance.

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4 Meeting with Disability Support Service Team

Find out how to register with the Disability service, access support and talk about any reasonable accommodations you may require. Securing the necessary academic and pastoral supports are critical tasks that should be prioritized where possible, if you are entering your first year of college. Transitioning from secondary to third level education environments can be as exciting as it is daunting for many students, who may need support as they enter college. As you transition on an educational and social level, so may your needs.

See Video below

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5 Telling people at college about your autism

Telling people about your autism at university is also known as ‘disclosure’ or ‘declaring a disability’. Disclosure is a personal decision, whether you choose to disclose or not, remember that autism is just one aspect of your identity, you have many strengths and talents to offer !

More information about what this means and why it might be important to you is available in the article below.

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6 Talking about your autism

By talking about your autism and advocating for yourself, you make an important step towards feeling comfortable with others. This activity introduces the advantages of being open about your autism, and give some practical tips.

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7 Meeting people at College

Remember that University is a time of exploration and personal development, building a strong network can enhance your college experience and create a memorable college journey !

Meeting people at university can be an enriching part of your college experience. Many students find meeting new people and making friends amongst the most exciting but also one of the most difficult aspects of starting university.

Orientation events are designed to help new students get acquainted with the campus and each other. Participating in these events is an excellent opportunity to meet fellow First Year students and to start building connections with your peer group and college staff.







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8 Managing conflict

Different people have different expectations and styles of working or living together. Sometimes that can lead to conflict. This article will help you recognise causes of conflict and proposes strategies to resolve it.

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10 How to reduce anxiety and stress

It is normal to feel anxious when starting something new, like a university course, and everyone feels stress at difficult times of the year like exam periods or when there is a lot happening in their lives. It can sometimes be hard to relax. This activity is about helping you to manage these feelings and includes tips from other autistic students.

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