1 Meeting with Disability Support Service Team

Find out how to register with the Disability service, access support and talk about any reasonable accommodations you may require. Securing the necessary academic and pastoral supports are critical tasks that should be prioritized where possible, if you are entering your first year of college. Transitioning from secondary to third level education environments can be as exciting as it is daunting for many students, who may need support as they enter college. As you transition on an educational and social level, so may your needs.

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2 Your Needs Assessment

A Needs Assessment is carried out to determine what level of support a student requires based on the appropriate provided by the student and information obtained from them on the impact of their disability and their academic course requirements. Your Needs Assessment is an opportunity to talk to somebody in depth about the positive and negative aspects of studying in the past. Any worries or concerns you may have about going to college. What supports you think might help you achieve a successful college experience. The needs assessment process is also an opportunity to learn more about the kind of support that is available to you ! It is highly recommended to contact the TUS Midwest Disability Support Service as soon as possible. 


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3 What is TUS Midwest Like?

TUS Midwest offers a large variety of academic, sporting, cultural and social life for your third-level experience. Our 23/24 handbook contains very useful information about campus life, support servicesstudy guides, student policies and much more. Below are some of the facilities and service we have to offer.

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4 What supports are available at TUS Midwest ?

The TUS MidWest Student Support Service is instrumental in fostering academic success, promoting personal well-being, encouraging career development and ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to thrive and succeed. The Student Support Service contributes to creating a supportive environment that facilitates students’ holistic growth and enhances their overall University experience.

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