Your Needs Assessment

A Needs Assessment is carried out to determine what level of support a student requires based on the appropriate provided by the student and information obtained from them on the impact of their disability and their academic course requirements. Your Needs Assessment is an opportunity to talk to somebody in depth about the positive and negative aspects of studying in the past. Any worries or concerns you may have about going to college. What supports you think might help you achieve a successful college experience. The needs assessment process is also an opportunity to learn more about the kind of support that is available to you ! It is highly recommended to contact the TUS Midwest Disability Support Service as soon as possible. 



Once you make contact with the Disability Office about registering, you will be directed to register with our online Mindaclient system- TUS | Disability Support. 

The online Needs Assessment form captures the following information:

    • Nature of your disability or condition.
    • Nature of course difficulty
    • Previous support: what arrangements were made at secondary school, if any.
    • What difficulties do you have or anticipate you may have with your course.
    • Access to equipment and IT facilities.
    • How you think your education is impacted by your disability.
    • Do you take any medication or have additional medical needs.
    • Assistive technology support previously used, if any.
    • What exam supports you previously received, if any.

After the online Needs Assessment form is submitted, a member of the Disability Support Service will contact you to arrange a meeting to carry out your assessment. The Needs Assessment is a conversation with a member of the Disability Support Service. It allows them to get to know you and to discuss what supports you had in the past, if any, and what worked best for you.

The answers to the questions from the online form, together with the information from your supporting documentation and the information obtained from you during the meeting on the impact of your autism and your academic course requirements will enable the staff member to draw up your academic inclusion notice. This letter details the reasonable accommodations / supports that will be implemented during your time at TUS Midwest.

These supports can be changed over time as/if required. The needs assessment also helps determine whether or not you are eligible for these supports through relevant disability funding such as the HEA Fund for Students with Disabilities.

If you have any access needs or preferences to enable you to fully participate in the Needs Assessment, please do let us know- It is very important to us that you are able to express your views and opinions so that we can ensure you get the most out of this process and that the recommendations we make are appropriate to your individual requirements.

How could this affect me?

Recommendations will vary from person to person, depending on your course, how your autism affects you and the impact on your studies. During the needs assessment you will have the opportunity to ask questions or suggest strategies or equipment that you feel you may benefit from, or have worked for you in the past. All recommendations must be considered in relation to the Fund for Students with Disabilities (FSD) regulations and guidance.

What to do next?

Reasonable accommodations and supports are put in place to support students who experience autism throughout their college journey

Practical tips

Contact the TUS Midwest Disability Support Service Team as soon as possible to arrange an appointment. This appointment can take place in-person or online.