Funding Support for Students with a Disability

Most students registering with the Disability Support Service request access to a range of supports that help the student to reach their full potential while studying. Most student needs are accommodated through these supports. Some of these disability student supports are funded by the Department of Education and Skills and Higher Education Authority. 

After registering online, students who wish to avail of specialist support will be invited to meet with a member of the Disability Support Service Team, on a one-one basis, to undertake a needs assessment and to discuss a support plan.




General Student Finance (e.g. tuition fees and loans) Students are often eligible to apply for a loan which can help to pay for college tuition fees and to help with living costs. Funding arrangements differ depending on the personal circumstances of the student and the chosen course. This process can take a long time so we would recommend applying early to give you the best possible chance of having funding in place in time for the start of your course. Visit the Financial supports for college students in Ireland page for more information.

The Fund for Students with Disabilities (FSD) is a government funding initiative intended to cover the extra costs of having a disability, long-term condition, mental health condition, or specific learning difficulty such as an autistic spectrum condition, dyslexia or dyspraxia.  The Disability Support Service applies to the fund for supports for all eligible students.

NB: We recognise that not everyone who has an autistic spectrum condition would use the word ‘disabled’ about themselves. This includes a lot of the students we spoke to in our surveys. However, FSD is the main way to access support for your study needs at the start of your course and beyond, so it is important to know all about it.

Most students who have been officially diagnosed with an autistic spectrum condition, and are studying on an eligible course, are entitled to be supported under FSD – it is not related to any other benefits or allowance. The FSD does not cover costs that all students would have to pay for, like buying textbooks or standard laptops or tickets for the bus to and from college. FSD is not paid directly to the student.




How could this affect me?

Whether or not you received or felt you needed support during school or college, university life is very different from the type of study you have been used to and getting the right support in place can make your life a lot easier. The timing of the support is important, students who had all their support in place before the end of the first semester struggled a lot less than those who had to wait. Please consider contacting the Disability Support Service as soon as possible, keep a track of important emails to your student account, attend organized orientation events where possible!

Remember you can request a review of your support if you find your needs have changed during your course or it’s not really working for you.


What to do next?

Visit the Disability Support Service section on the website and read the Registration Process

Practical tips

Please visit the TUS Midwest Disability Support page to explore the different types of supports available to you.